Normerica Architects and Builders Construction Guide

Download our guide on how we can provide your clients with the perfect timber frame. 

Architects Builders

At Normerica, we promise to provide you with a unique custom timber frame structure to suit the specific needs of your clients. Our team of experts understand the intricacies of a timber frame project, which enables us to design and construct with a high level of timeline and budget predictability. From design to construction, we ensure that the entire timber frame construction process is as simple as possible for you and your clients.

Download the free Normerica Architects and Builders Construction Guide (PDF file) to get a deeper understanding of the timber frame construction process. This guide covers:

  • Our detailed and accurate timber frame quote process
  • How our team works with you to ensure an on-time and on-budget process
  • Why our onsite engineering and support is so unique and important
  • A look at our 3D rendering abilities
  • Details on the Normerica insulated wall and roof system and shell package
  • Normerica’s commitment to sustainability, including our Energy Star Ready and Net Zero compatible building system.

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